Accidents due to falls
In Europe, professional or domestic accidents due to falls occur in a similar proportion as those associated with road accident victims: But they make more deaths and wounded than the cars accidents
Swimming pools, schools, bathrooms, shopping malls, patios, homes, saunas, steam rooms, warehouses ... the list goes on of those places where the ground, whatever its nature, is slippery when wet. Dangerous falls are occurring daily. These frequent accidents often result in serious injury, which require the intervention of medical relief teams, long hospital stays and many benefits from the insurance. In addition to the possible sequelae, slip and fall accidents are very costly to the community.
Against slips and falls, one solution: anti-slip treatments by GLISS'GRIP
For your safety and your family, your employees, customers and visitors, GLISS'GRIP product line is THE effective solution to all your problems of slippery floors. With GLISS'GRIP, durably and effectively treat all your mineral surfaces, who tend to slip when wet, and avoid any risk of a dangerous slip!
GLISS'GRIP Solutions ®
are now the most reliable and proven
in the prevention of accidents resulting from slips on wet floors.
A proven process
Minimum time for maximum results
Choosing GLISS'GRIP is choosing a particularly effective treatment. The Chartered GLISS'GRIP Applicators will implement the product that best suits your need by providing you their knowledge of the materials, ensuring impeccable service. Your Authorized applicator will give you a measure of the slipperiness of your soil before and after treatment and will thus demonstrate its effectiveness.
The experience and qualification of the Authorized Applicator who will implement the GLISS'GRIP treatment of your slippery floors will allow him to reduce the downtime of your sites. Once completed, the treatment is effective for many years. The effectiveness of GLISS'GRIP is guaranteed for three years on professional surfaces, and for six years for baths, showers and areas of private use.